Height adjustable

This page details the endpoints you can use to modify your height adjustable package data within Skrym

Last updated 22 May 2024


Skrym uses bearer tokens to authenticate client requests. Further information on how users are onboarded and provided a bearer token can be found in Authentication.

Inserting a height adjustable package


Additional Request Information

Data fieldDescription
materialMaterial the package is made of. Expects "Cardboard", "Plastic, "Paper" or "Unknown". Defaults to "Unknown" if not provided or unrecognized.
stockOnly required if package stock keeping feature is requested.
stockThresholdOnly required if package stock keeping, and low package alerting features are requested. Denotes the stock level at which warning emails are to be sent to subscribed users. Can set to -1 to disable alerts for specific packages.

Ensure that minimum heights are strictly lesser than maximum heights, and that (inner) dimensions are lesser than outer dimensions.


✅ - 200Successful.
🚨 - 400Invalid argument provided.
🚨 - 401Unauthenticated user, token may not be valid or has expired.
🚨 - 409A package with the given ID already exists.
🚨 - 500Internal error, contact Skrym staff if persistent.

400 Response

"code": "invalid_argument",
"message": "Invalid package entered. Please retry with valid values.",
"details": [
"Invalid dimensions entered. Expected dimensions greater than 0.",
"Fewer than 3 outer dimensions entered. Expected 3 outer dimensions."

401 Response

"code": "unauthenticated",
"message": "invalid auth param",
"details": null

409 Response

"code": "already_exists",
"message": "Looks like a package with the same ID already exists in our system. Please try again with a different package.",
"details": null

500 Response

"code": "internal",
"message": "Sorry, something went wrong on our side. Please try again or contact us if the issue persists.",
"details": null

Height adjustment in optimization

The Skrym optimization will estimate the resulting dimensions of the package, including the adjusted height. This is to facilitate connected calculations such as emission and cost estimates.

Overlapping volume

If you have one or more height adjustable packages with overlapping possible volume intervals, the Skrym optimization will choose the package with the smallest resulting volume. This means that if it is possible to place the products in a package with a larger base area (but lower height) in order to get a lower volume of the resulting package, Skrym will follow such behavior.