
The data object for orders

Last updated 14 Oct 2024

A product is an item sold by your organization and thus being the building block of an order. Product data is important for ensuring the accuracy of various Skrym functionality such as optimization and shipping cost calculations.

Data quality

It is important to ensure that the data provided is accurate and up-to-date. Warnings will be displayed in Scope for products that have suspected data quality issues, such as:

  • One or more dimensions are 0
  • The weight is 0
  • The product has an abnormal density or suspicious dimensions (e.g. 1x1x1 mm)

We recommend continously monitoring and adjusting such cases since they may cause issues otherwise.

Below follows a more detailed description of the product object and the available endpoints.

Fetch products

The GetProductByExternalId function retrieves a product using its external ID, e.g. a SKU.

Insert / update products

The UpsertProducts function is designed to insert new products or update existing ones, based on the provided product details. It accepts a list of products, each with unique identifiers and various attributes, returning a count of successfully updated or inserted products. It requires each product to have a mandatory externalId and non-negative dimensions for successful processing.

It is also possible to insert products in bulk by uploading a CSV file on Scope. This is still an experimental feature and comes with some requirements:

  • File format must be CSV
  • Units must be millimeters (mm) and grams (g)
  • The first row must contain the column names

Note that doing this will overwrite any existing data in the system, so make sure to only upload correct data, or to properly test in a sandbox environment first.

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