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Customizing the package optimization

There are two ways you can customize the behaviour of our package optimization: by setting available hyperparameters, and by ammending product attributes.

Setting hyperparameters

Our supported optimization hyperaparameters are listed in the table below. To set or or check your parameters, you can refer to Skrym Icon With BackgroundScope or use our API endpoints. We continuously expand on these and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to

SortingMethodENUMDefines the sorting method for optimization. Available options are BASE_AREA and VOLUME.VOLUME
SortingDirectionENUMDetermines the sorting direction for optimization. Options are ASC and DESC.DESC
NumberOfSplits*NUMERICSpecifies the number of splits an order can be divided into. It allows for efficient distribution of items across packages.10
PreserveOrderLines**ENUMDictates how order lines are preserved. Options: HARD_PRESERVE, SOFT_PRESERVE, and NO_PRESERVE.NO_PRESERVE

* NumberOfSplits: This hyperparameter requires you to have a special permission, otherwise Skrym will not conduct splitting. You can read more about order splitting here

** PreserveOrderLines: We define order line as a unique product with certain quantity. The HARD_PRESERVE mode will aim to keep each order line within the same package and return error if that is not possible. The SOFT_PRESERVE mode will do the same, but will try to split the order lines if they cannot be hard-preserved instead of failing. The NO_PRESERVE mode will treat each item individually, irrespective of the order lines.

Changing product traits

As default behaviour, Skrym deals with products as solid, rigid cuboids. For certain product catalogues or use-cases, this however does not quite cut it.

So far, we have rolled out support for the following product traits:

FragilityProducts that need extra padding (to avoid breakage) can be given a fragility score which is proportional to the amount of padding applied.
CompressibilityCertain products, such as textiles, can be compressed while packed. Compressibility is a score given to a product to determine how much it can be compressed.
Empty SpaceSome products may contain spaces or holes within them (think about a mug or a doughnut). Skrym will try to utilize those empty spaces for packing.

To learn more about what they are how to handle them kindly see the product section.