Skrym LogoDefault emission values

Default emission values

When vehicle emission information is missing

When calculating emissions, information regarding which vehicles were used and their respective emissions, or which package(s) and their respective characteristics may sometimes be missing. In these cases, assumptions must be made to provide an accurate estimation. This section will describe these assumptions and the reasoning behind them.

Defaults for Packaging Emissions

From certain points in the supply chain, it can be very difficult to extract reliable package data if the package is not already stored by Skrym. In order for Skrym to perform an emissions calculation, we need to know which material the package is made of, and its corresponding emissions constants (such as density, emissions factor, and recycled percentage). In cases where no such information is available for a package, the calculation defaults to using standard values.

Density is determined based on the average material composition of cardboard in the EU, as per FEFCO standards ( faviconFEFCO). The emissions factor is derived from the average carbon impact reported in the work of Brogaard et al. ( favicon2014).

Package Constants

Package ParameterDefault ValueUnit
MaterialCorrugated cardboard-
Emissions factor0.82kg CO2\text{CO}_2/g
Recycled percentage0.0%

Fill Rate

Default fill rates are calculated based on historical data from Skrym's database. The fill rate is the ratio of the cumulative volume of the products to the volume of the package.

Package TypeDefault Fill RateUnit

Fill Material Usage

Fill material usage is a percentage of how much of the empty space in the package is filled with fill material.

ParameterDefault ValueUnit
Fill Material Usage0.9%

Defaults for Shipping Emissions

Shipping involves multiple stages: pickup from the warehouse, line haul transportation between terminals, and last mile delivery to the consumer. Each stage consumes energy and emits greenhouse gases through vehicle use.

Skrym collaborates with transporters and logistics companies to obtain precise emissions and energy consumption data. This transparency benefits consumers and regulators. When specific data is unavailable, Skrym uses assumptions or third-party sources (e.g., Transportstyrelsen) to estimate emissions.

Vehicle Data and Load Capacity

Vehicle data includes emissions factors, fuel consumption rates, and maximum load weights, estimated from a range of potential vehicles per shipping stage, which are either provided by the transporters, or the Swedish Transport Agency. The default values are as follows:

  • Emissions factor (kg CO2/L)
  • Fuel consumption (L/100km)
  • Maximum load weight (kg)

For load capacity utilization, Skrym utilizes data from the non-profit Network for Transport Measures based on the Swedish averages from 2022. The default values are as follows:

Transport stage/legVehicle categoryLoad Capacity Utilization
PickupTruck with trailer 50-60 t50%
Line haulRigid truck 20-26t70%
Last mileRigid truck 7.5-12t50%


When there is no emissions factor available for a vehicle, Skrym defaults to using the emissions factor for the fuel type used.

These are the default values for emissions factors for different fuel types:

FuelEmissions FactorUnit
Petrol3.19kg CO2e/L
Diesel3.67kg CO2e/L
Ethanol0.48kg CO2e/L
Bio diesel0.79kg CO2e/L
HVO0.43kg CO2e/L
Bio gas0.68kg CO2e/kg
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)3.71kg CO2e/kg
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)3.63kg CO2e/kg
Electricity (Sweden)0.045kg CO2e/kWh
Electricity (EU)0.25kg CO2e/kWh