Booking in Ongoing
How Skrym interacts with Ongoing when performing a booking
This section explains the interaction between Ongoing and Skrym when using Skrym's Booking functionality.
Specific Set-up for Booking
To trigger a booking in Skrym from Ongoing, a webhook is usually set up, based on the OrderStatusChanged event moving from
to Send
Booking Process
When Skrym receives the webhook call from Ongoing we:
- Fetch the entire order from Ongoing
- Check if the
matches any entries in Skrym's system- If there is a match, proceed to step 3
- If there is no match, Skrym tries to utilize the data in Ongoing WMS to book and print labels (see tabs below for more information)
- Match each parcel id against the stored parcels in Skrym (usually from a checkout session)
- Request booking to transporter
- Upload the label and tracking data (URL + reference) back to Ongoing
- Print label(s)
Single Parcel
For the single parcel, there are two distinct possibilities:
1. Order is created with Skrym The order can proceed as usual with no requirement for data to exist in Ongoing (except for the parcel which should have been added by Skrym).
2. Order is not created with Skrym The order needs to have full shipping information available in Ongoing WMS, including package data, destination information, and chosen delivery option.
Multiple Parcels
There are three possible scenarios:
1. Order is created fully with Skrym
The only requirement here is that the parcel IDs in Ongoing match the reference in Skrym.
2. Order is partially created with Skrym This means that Skrym has at least one package with complete shipping data available, while also indicating that there are multiple parcels that need booking.
This will then lead to Skrym trying to use the partial data to book all the parcels to arrive at the same location. If this is not possible (due to transporter limitations), Skrym will instead default to book the parcels to the geographically closest position to the destination.
3. Order is not created with Skrym The order needs to have full shipping information available in Ongoing WMS, including package data, destination information, and chosen delivery option.
Confirmed Booking
When Skrym has finalized the booking, the label(s) is uploaded to Ongoing and each parcel in the order is updated with a tracking reference and URL. If the booking contains multiple parcels, and the transporter responds with multiple tracking references, Skrym will put the respective tracking data on each parcel in Ongoing.
Transporter | Tracking Reference | Tracking URL |
postnord | 00373500489530470000 | Yes |
dhl | 2904305345 | Yes |
budbee | 373501541843279332 | Yes |
instabox | XX01720410992279 | Yes |
earlybird | 9990000000003544436 | Yes, but requires customer to enter reference |
dbschenker | 1005326820 | Yes |