Availability Checks

Material concerning external functionality from Transporters

Last updated 16 May 2024

Availability checks are a way to check if a transporter is available to deliver a shipment. This is an important step in several of Skrym's services. For example, when requesting a booking, we need to know if a transporter can deliver a specific request. Or in the context of a delivery checkout, we want to display which transporters (and their methods) are available to be presented to a user.

Since it might be harmful to call a transporter twice, we have a general way of representing availability data so it can be shared between different services and reused for different purposes.

Skrym Availability API

The API accepts multiple transport methods, which availability will be fetched in parallel. The API will return a list of availability statuses, which contains a success flag that specifies if the availability check was successful. If an availability check is unsuccessful, the field ErrorDetails lists the reason for the failure.


Note: Since errors are returned within the response in ErrorDetails, the API will always respond with 200 OK.
