Transport Method Configuration

API reference for configuring transport methods

The following endpoints facilitate the setting, updating, fetching and deleting of transport method codes and maximum cost limits.

Add a Transport Method Configuration

Configuration can be added for one or more transport methods by providing the configuration along with the Skrym transport method ID and the corresponding checkout it is to be used in.

Fetch a Set Transport Method Configuration

There are two ways of fetching configurations, one to get a single configuration and the other to fetch all configurations associated with the authenticated organization.

Single Configuration

A checkout configuration can be fetched for one transport method by providing the Skrym transport method ID and the corresponding checkout the configuration should be fetched for.

Multiple Configurations

Checkout configuration for all transport methods for a given checkout can be fetched by providing corresponding checkout.

Delete a Set Transport Method Configuration

A set configuration can be deleted by providing the Skrym transport method ID and the corresponding checkout the configuration should be deleted for.