Skrym LogoClick & Collect

Click & Collect

Using your own stores as pick-up points

With Skrym integrated into your checkout, you have the ability to use your brick-and-mortar stores as pick-up points in two ways:

  1. Send to Store: Package is sent from a warehouse to the selected store location
  2. Fulfill in Store: The store prepares the order for pick up (all products are already in stock at location)

By default, Click & Collect uses the fallback times and cost for all organization locations.

Requirement for Fulfill in Store

Since Skrym does not store stock data for products using the Fulfill in Store requires the caller to use a custom parameter to indicate which stores have the product(s) in stock. You can set this custom parameter in the settings page on: Skrym Icon With BackgroundSCOPE or have a look in our page about Custom Parameters.

Collect in Store

For the customer, Send to Store and Fulfill in Store are both identical experiences. As a result, Skrym always displays only one shipping option that may represent either one. The distinguishing factor between them is only the estimated delivery time which tends to be much shorter (often immediate) for the Fulfill in Store option.

When doing a join we default to using the Send to Store data for all available stores and then cross check which stores have the ability to Fulfill in Store. For the matching stores (existing in both the lists) we use the Fulfill in Store data instead.

Daily limits

You can set daily limits on a per-store basis for the Fulfill in Store method to manage online order surges and automatically exclude immediate deliveries, regardless of other settings.