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Get emissions estimations for all your registered transportation methods

Calculate Total Emissions

To calculate total emissions for all your registered transport methods, you can use the CalculateEmissionsForAllMethods API.

Data requirements

To calculate total emissions for all your registered transport methods using the CalculateEmissionsForAllMethods API, you need to ensure that you have following data points configured and enabled in Skrym Icon With BackgroundSCOPE

Required data

In order to calculate emissions for all your registered transport methods, you need to ensure that you have configured and enabled transport methods in Skrym Icon With BackgroundTransportation page in SCOPE

To provide more accurate emissions calculations, you may provide additional data in Skrym Icon With BackgroundSCOPE.

Optional data

Data points that can be provided, but are not required, include:

If these data points are not provided, the API will make use of default values.

Confirm Emissions Results

Before Skrym can display emissions statistics in Skrym Icon With BackgroundSCOPE, you need to confirm which transport method was chosen for the order. Confirming is done through calling the confirmation endpoint (below) with the referenceId from the original calculation.

Multi-package orders

  • Option A: Call the calculation endpoint once with an array of packages and confirm once
  • Option B: Call the calculation endpoint once per package and call the confirmation endpoint for each package's referenceId.
    • As long as you provide the same orderReference in the calls, we will connect the emissions calculations to the same order.