All our tracking endpoints

Last updated 17 May 2024

On this page you can explore the different APIs we provide for our tracking functionality. If you have ideas on additional APIs or changes that would make things easier or better for you, we would love to hear from you at dev@skrym.se

Single shipment 📦

Shipments are added to tracking by calling TrackShipment endpoint with the transporter and transport method information and the concerned tracking reference. If you have tracking references for the individual parcels, you can add them as well. If you don't add them, Skrym will try to infer them from the transporter's events.

When to call the Tracking API?
sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Consumer as Consumer participant Retailer as Retailer participant Skrym as Skrym Consumer->>+Retailer: Places order Retailer->>+Skrym:First call <br/>(without shipment ID) Note over Retailer: Pick & Pack Note over Retailer: Print label Retailer->>Skrym:Second call <br/>(including shipment ID) Note over Skrym:Skrym fetches and <br/> analyzes transporter events Skrym-->>-Retailer:Tracking events Retailer-->>Consumer:Order updates Retailer->>-Consumer:Order delivered
Call the endpoint immediately after an order is confirmed and again once you have the shipment ID from the transporter.

Make a first call to the endpoint immediately after an order is placed. This is to capture the time between the order being placed and the transporter picking it up, which helps Skrym understand if the order is delayed or not.

Call the endpoint again as soon as you have printed the label and received the tracking reference from the transporter.


Once this endpoint has been successfully called, Skrym will be fetching and parsing the event data made available by the transporter and provide it to you immediately.