All our tracking endpoints
Last updated 28 Oct 2024
On this page you can explore the different APIs we provide for our tracking functionality. If you have ideas on additional APIs or changes that would make things easier or better for you, we would love to hear from you at dev@skrym.se
Initialize an order
To create an order, use the InitializeOrder endpoint. It's recommended to call this endpoint immediately after an order is confirmed.
When making the request, you will provide any relevant order references and additional metadata. These references allow you to later retrieve order details, including shipment information, or to associate custom events with the order.
Add shipments to the order
Once a shipment has been booked, you can link it to an existing order by calling the AddShipmentsToOrder endpoint. This requires details about the shipment, such as the transporter, transport method, and tracking reference. It also allows you to provide information about the parcels in the shipment. If not provided, Skrym will attempt to infer this information from the transporter.
Once the shipment is added, Skrym will monitor transporter updates and provide you with relevant tracking information.
Add more references to the order
If you need to add more references to an order, use the AddOrderReferences endpoint. Provide an existing reference from the order along with the new reference(s) you wish to associate.