Transport Methods

Setting your preferences for each transport method

Last updated 09 Sept 2024

This page introduces how transport methods can be configured to align with your expectations.

Setting Up Transport Methods

You can find all the transporters we support on the transporter page in Scope. By selecting one, you can view and edit all of its transport methods.

Customer Number and Credentials

To get delivery availabilities from the transporter, you need to provide us with your credentials and/or a customer number. This is done on a transporter-level and is configurable on each transporter's page. Different transporters have different kinds of credentials, so please reach out to us at if you need help setting this up.

Transport Method Checkout Code

Each transport method can be assigned a unique checkout code. This code is automatically included in the list of transport methods provided by Skrym when we respond with delivery options in the checkout.

The intention of these codes is to simplify the integration between Skrym and the rest of your operations.

Where the Codes Are Used

These codes are propagated using the below mentioned fields for each of our checkout integrations:

NameThe code is set to the Name field in each shipping option.Klarna Shipping Option Name
CodeThe code is set to the MethodCode field in each delivery option.Skrym checkout API

Note: In the absence of specified checkout codes, Skrym defaults to using our own predefined codes for each transport method.

Managing This Data

There are two ways of managing this data with Skrym, either through Scope or by utilizing our API endpoints.

Using Scope

Using Our APIs

Please checkout the dedicated API documentation for managing these preferences using the API. We support the full range of creating, updating, reading and deleting these preferences.

Transport Method Preferences